Reminder: Airport closed to visitors on flight days - 16 July 2020
With the recent announcements of repatriation flights that are planned for the coming fortnight and in view of the measures in place to prevent the spread of COVID-19 on St Helena, the public is again reminded that no visitors are permitted at St Helena Airport on flight days.
Passengers who will be arriving by air from the UK and Ascension Island will not be permitted to meet friends or family at the Airport; likewise, only passengers who are due to leave by air will be permitted to enter St Helena Airport. Those transporting passengers to the Airport will be asked to drop them off and then leave the Airport premises – the Terminal Building will not be open to them.
To assist with the management of persons arriving and departing the Airport, the barriers at the foot of Mole Spider Hill will be in place and manned. Only those persons with a legitimate reason to proceed into the Airport complex will be permitted to do so.
The public is also reminded that Mole Spider Hill is an environmentally sensitive area and therefore access to the Hill is not permitted at any time.
The public is once again thanked in advance for their support and cooperation.
St Helena Airport Limited, 16 July 2020