St Helena Airport

First scheduled commercial flight - St Helena Airport from Creeper Hill

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Contact St Helena Airport

Blue envelope to denote contact with St Helena Airport

For more information please see the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) section of this website.  To contact the Airport about permission to fly to St Helena, to fly a drone or for any other query, please contact the Operations Manager for St Helena Airport Ltd as follows:

Operations Manager: Gerald Yon

Tel:  (+290) 25180 Ext 173  | Mobile: (+290) 63722

CEO & Accountable Manager: Gwyneth Howell

Tel:  (+290) 25175  | Mobile: (+290) 63131

Post: St Helena Airport Limited, Combined Building, St Helena Airport, Prosperous Plain, St Helena Island, South Atlantic Ocean, STHL  1ZZ

Airport Main Number:

Tel:  (+290) 25180 Ext 0

Compliments and Complaints

If you have a compliment or a complaint about the service received at St Helena Airport, please contact us:

Tel:  (+290) 25180

Media Enquiries

All Media enquiries should be directed to the CEO & Accountable Manager, Gwyneth Howell in the first instance:

Feedback for the website

Didn’t find what you were looking for?  Have a suggestion about how to improve the website and its content?  We welcome constructive feedback on the website, so please do contact us.

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