From: Tessa Roberts
Sent: 03 June 2016 13:31
To: 'Adrian Bowers '; Belinda
Thomas; Clare Harris; David Francis (; Dayna
Henry; Edward Jerrard; Ian Johnson; Janet Lawrence; Jeffrey Francis; Lauren
Evans; Mikko Paajanen; Ross Towers; Shayla Ellick; Simon Wade; Tracey Williams
Subject: FW: Press Release - Medevac
Flight Today
Roxanne Green
Sent: 03 June 2016 12:25
To: Kerisha Stevens
Subject: Press Release - Medevac Flight Today
Dear All,
Please see below press release on ‘Medevac
Flight Today’.
Kind Regards
An emergency aero-medical evacuation will take place this
afternoon from St Helena Airport when a Falcon 20 aircraft operated by
emergency response specialists ER24
arrives from Walvis Bay, Namibia, to
collect a baby needing urgent medical care.
The aircraft is due to arrive at St Helena Airport at around
2pm local time for a quick turnaround, bound for Cape Town, where the patient
will be transferred to Vincent Pallotti Hospital.
The public is asked to respect the family’s privacy at this
time. An update will be issued in due course.
3 June 2016